France: The National Beverage Federation (FNB) unveils the new identity of its sectoral Corporate Social Responsibility label

For more than 10 years, the FNB has strived to engage its members in a demanding and contributory approach to sustainable development.

In 2015, it set up a sectoral CSR label adapted to the activities of beverage wholesale distributors, based on the ISO 26000 standard. Although it had regularly been subject to changes, the FNB has just carried out a complete overhaul.

After questioning all of its stakeholders, the FNB is publishing a new, more demanding framework with a new visual identity.

This new framework aims to integrate major economic and social challenges, and to respond to the climate emergency. If the profession has decided to increase its level of requirements, the spirit remains the same: to offer FNB member companies a practical and operational support tool to measure progress and commit to action.

A sectoral label which is based on strong consultation of its stakeholders

In application of the principles of CSR, the FNB carried out a consultation to find out the expectations of its stakeholders regarding the key issues of the profession. The results allowed FNB members to define their priorities, formalized through 5 major commitments, broken down into 28 requirements.

“This overhaul mainly meets two objectives: integrating the major challenges of the profession and increasing the visibility of the companies involved. The graphic identity modernized on this occasion and the creation of the Engagé beverage wholesaler brand are the very expression of this”, explains Laure Bomy, General Director of FNB.

Principles of operation and accessibility to the label which do not change.

The label is awarded after an annual audit when the company displays a score of at least 50/100. The FNB has chosen to renew its partnership with Ecocert Environnement, a subsidiary of the Ecocert group, as an independent third-party organization.

Through its expertise, impartiality and independence, the conformity assessment of companies carried out by Ecocert Environnement is a guarantee of robustness and credibility of the actions carried out by candidate companies and of transparency for the entire community.

A CSR framework of 28 requirements which revolve around 5 fundamental commitments :

  • Reduce the carbon footprint: New features of the 2023 version label: it is becoming essential for companies to carry out a GHG Assessment in order to understand the direct or induced emissions of their activities and to define a plan to reduce their impact on the climate.
  • Act as a trusted partner: Beyond its compliance with regulations, the company involved must develop in compliance with ethical and fair practices, dialogue with its stakeholders and communicate on these objectives and results.
  • Preserve resources and act in favor of the circular economy: The profession has always pursued an active policy favoring the circular economy, marked in particular by its commitments to the use of reusable and reusable packaging. Companies are encouraged to go further and commit to developing their product & service offering by also promoting recycling and reducing waste produced by their activities and those of their customers. A way to accelerate ecological transformation and offer CHRs new services to reduce their environmental impacts.
  • Be a responsible employer: This component has strong requirements in terms of safety, improvement of working conditions, health, as well as themes such  as diversity, inclusion, professional equality, skills development, end-of-life management. career and employment of seniors.
  • Territorial anchoring:  An essential cog in the life of territories, the aim here is to strengthen and highlight the historical attachment of companies to contributing to the economic development and attractiveness of their territory and to adopting civic behavior towards their community.

A complete and enriched support system

A training offer is offered to companies to guarantee a perfect understanding of the issues and requirements associated with the implementation of this labeling process. The offer has been developed to allow the company to modulate its actions according to the skills development needs of each employee and offers a complete introductory course from the fundamentals of CSR to the implementation of the label.

The new platform also offers an enriched toolbox, a methodological guide, numerous resource documents as well as a self-diagnostic tool accessible online and in self-service. This tool makes it easy and quick to assess the company’s maturity level on each of the 28 requirements.

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